Miami Breast Augmentation Using Round versus Shaped Implants

Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Whether you feel as if your breasts are underdeveloped or that they have lost volume as a result of factors such as weight loss, aging or pregnancy, a breast augmentation can enhance your chest, while simultaneously increasing your confidence. Although a breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures available and many women who opt to undergo the procedure have similar aesthetic goals, it is not a one size fits all procedure.

Instead, a breast augmentation in Miami can be completely customized to suit your individual needs. In addition to choosing the most appropriate size, material, and profile for your enhancement, your plastic surgeon will help you determine the best shape for you, as both round and shaped implants are available.

Round Breast Implants

Round implants are the most popular implant shape and are what most people tend to think of when they hear the term breast augmentation, as full, round breasts are considered desirable. They are ideal for patients who want to attain greater fullness in the top part of their breasts, while also achieving considerable cleavage. While some people believe that round implants are less natural, the results can be incredibly natural provided that the implant size is proportionate to your body and existing breast tissue. Round implants are available in four types, depending on the patient’s preferred projection, in other words, how far the patient would like the breasts to extend forward from the chest wall.

Round implants are symmetrical, which means that there is no risk that they will rotate out of place in the future. In addition, they are available in both saline or silicone and in a textured or smooth surface. In most cases, they are less expensive than shaped implants.

Shaped Breast Implants

Shaped implants, often referred to as teardrop implants, are frequently requested by women who hope to achieve the most natural results possible, as they slope in a way which mimics the natural shape of the breasts. Their shape is considered anatomic, as the bottom is fuller than the top. While shaped implants often look more natural, they tend to feel firmer than round implants. Although the upper part of teardrop implants is not as filled out as round implants, in many cases, shaped implants offer greater projection than round implants of the same size.

Shaped implants are not available in saline but are comprised of a highly cohesive silicone which is extremely durable. As a result, they tend to maintain their shape longer than traditional round implants. They are not available in a smooth surface, as a textured surface is necessary to keep them in place, which is not a factor with symmetrical round implants. Shaped implants tend to be more expensive than round implants due to the material used.

The shape of implant you select will play a large role in determining the final outcome of your procedure, which is why it is imperative to clearly and openly discuss your goals and preferences with your plastic surgeon during your initial consultation.

Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami

Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!

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