Who Is A Good Candidate For Breast Augmentation Using Fat Transfer?
Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast Augmentation
Many women like the idea of using fat grafts for breast augmentation because it is an autogenous and minimally-invasive surgical procedure compared to implants. If you are interested in breast augmentation, you may be wondering if you are a good candidate for this alternative breast augmentation technique. In this article, we will review the different factors that determine your eligibility for fat graft breast augmentation.
Excellent Candidates
First, excellent candidates for breast augmentation in general, and fat grafts more specifically, are individuals who have been pregnant due to the physical changes pregnancy causes within a woman’s body, including expansion of the breast tissue. Often times transfers of fat grafts can also be desired post-pregnancy in order to reduce stubborn fat around the midsection. Furthermore, women who have breast-fed are suitable for this type of breast augmentation because they tend to lose volume in their expanded, post-pregnancy breasts after breast-feeding.
Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafts
Your figure can also help determine your suitability for breast augmentation with fat grafts. Women who have larger hips and smaller breasts are typically good candidates as their hips are an ideal donor site for creating the fat grafts.
Unfortunately, there are also some factors that can limit your suitability for breast enlargement with fat transfers. If you are looking to enlarge your breasts by more than one cup size then the use of fat grafts will not give you the desired results. Patients that request a two to three size increase in their breasts are better suited to artificial breast implants to achieve their goals. Additionally, if you have a very thin body type, you may not have sufficient fat deposits to donate to the breasts.
Body Shape
If you believe you are a suitable candidate for breast augmentation using fat grafts, we welcome you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Craft and the Body by Craft team to determine whether this procedure can help you achieve your desired results.
Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami
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