Blepharoplasty – Reduce Under-eye Dark Circles & Bags
Learn More About Eye Lift Surgery
Eye Lift
What Can Blepharoplasty
Do for Me?
Are You A Candidate?
Rejuvenation Candidates
General Procedure
During eyelid rejuvenation surgery incisions are carefully made along the natural lines of the upper and lower eyelid, using these natural lines Dr. Craft will expertly camouflage any evidence of surgery within the natural contours of your eyelids. Blepharoplasty is extremely personalized, each surgery is specifically designed to address the problems with skin laxity and fat pockets.
The surgeon will usually work on the upper eyelids first to remove any fatty tissue and tighten loose skin. Lower eyelids are completed next to eliminate puffiness and reduce dark circles. In some instances, laser CO2 or erbium technology may be used to smooth lower eyelid texture. Blepharoplasty may be used in conjunction with other elective, cosmetic procedures, eg. Botox, to produce more dramatic results than could be achieved after undergoing a single procedure. Your unique aesthetic goals will be reviewed, prior to committing to blepharoplasty, during your personal consultation with Dr. Craft, in order to design the best procedure, or procedures, to help you achieve your desired results. Heralded as one of the most popular elective eyelid enhancement surgeries available, blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia combined with other enhancement procedures.
The surgery generally takes about two hours and is performed in the physician’s office or an outpatient surgical facility.
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Recovery Process
Following any surgical procedure, which requires the administration of general anesthesia, driving is prohibited for a minimum of twenty-four hours, you will therefore be asked to arrange reliable, third party transportation home. Blepharoplasty is considered a “same-day surgery”, which means there will be no reason to remain in the surgical center suite overnight. The entire procedure should be completed within two hours. You will be admitted as an “out patient”, and released into the care of whomever you arranged to pick you up. Blepharoplasty boasts an uncommonly brief period of convalescence, and very little post surgical pain. Some previous patients reported mild swelling and/or bruising around the eyes, for roughly two days following surgery which can be effectively treated by simply applying a cold compress to the area. Barring any unforeseen complications, Blepharoplasty recipients, on average, are able to resume normal activities between seven to ten days following surgery.
Patients sometimes report minor discomfort associated with surgery, which can be treated with oral medication. While complications are rare, you can minimize the risk for potential problems by carefully following the post-operative directions given after the surgery.
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Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami
The Body By Craft enhancement team is available to answer your questions and concerns about the procedure and if it is the right for your personal cosmetic goals.
Use our online contact form or call our office (305) 535-3550