7 Things You Might Be Surprised To Know About Miami Breast Augmentation
Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast Augmentation
In Miami, breast augmentation is a very popular cosmetic procedure that improves the shape, size and volume of your breasts to give an overall more feminine contour. If you are considering this procedure, here are 7 facts about a Miami breast augmentation that you should know and can help you with your decision.
Both Silicone & Saline Implants Are Safe
When you choose to undergo this procedure, you can decide if you want saline or silicone implants. Despite any previous public concerns, there has been extensive research that shows silicone implants are just as safe to use as the saline ones.
Breast Implants Can Be Kept For An Indefinite Amount Of Time
Contrary to what some say, breast implants do not have an expiration date and therefore, can be kept indefinitely given that proper care is taken. It is recommended that patients with silicone implants should complete an MRI test every few years to ensure that it is intact, with no signs of leak or rupture.
If a silicone implant does break, the silicone gel is designed to hold its shape and thus, can go unnoticed until detected with an MRI. If there are ruptures or tears in the integrity of the implant, patients have the option to undergo an implant replacement surgery. Otherwise, there is no good reason to routinely replace a perfectly functioning implant every 10 years or so.
Additional surgery May Be Recommended
A single breast augmentation surgery may not be enough to achieve and maintain your desired aesthetics long-term. Over a lifetime of pregnancies and aging, you may need additional breast surgeries to correct any changes in size, shape or positioning of the implant.
Some women may experience complications such as scarring, where thick scar tissue develops around the implants and disrupts the aesthetically-pleasing results of the procedure. In such cases, a revision or replacement surgery is required.
Implants Do Not disrupt Breastfeeding
Unlike some rumours, having breast implants do not interfere with a patient’s ability to breastfeed or compromise the safety of her baby.
There May Be Limitations On Your Implant Size Options
Unfortunately, your implants cannot always be as big as you would have desired due to physiological factors such as the size of your rib cage and the elasticity of your skin. The more elastic your skin is, the greater your ability is to stretch and accommodate larger implants without compromising the appearance of stretch marks.
It is important to remember that larger implants will require more revision surgeries in the future.
Finding The Right Surgeon Is Of Utmost Importance
Although many plastic surgeons offer breast augmentation, the key to fantastic results and a positive experience is working with the right surgeon. They should be board-certified with extensive training and experience in performing such procedures.
A Picture Can Help Communicate Your Desired Outcomes
When you are seeking a specific look or result, it can be very helpful to show your plastic surgeon a photograph that describes what you want.
If you are interested in a Miami breast augmentation and would like to find out more about the procedure, we invite you into Body by Craft for a private consultation with Dr. Craft to learn more.
Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami
Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!
Use our online contact form or call our office (305) 535-3550