Breast Revisions By One of the Leading Miami Surgeons

Learn More About Breast Revision Surgery

For women experiencing unsatisfactory results post-surgery, correction of the surgical outcome can be performed during breast revision surgery.

Breast Revision

Although complications are rare and most women are pleased with the results following a breast augmentation, reduction or breast lift surgery, some women do not receive the desired results after these procedures. The majority of breast surgery problems occur when large implants are inserted into women who do not have the body shape necessary to support the added weight and volume. This lack of support can cause implants to bottom out, get displaced or cause a double-bubble appearance.

Additional undesirable results post breast surgery that may be appropriately repaired by breast revision surgery may include:

  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Displaced nipple
  • Rippling in the breasts
  • Incorrect implant size or placement
  • Noticeable incision scars

The exact number of women who experience unsatisfactory results after the various types of breast surgery is unknown; however, statistics from the FDA demonstrate nearly 37% of women in the United States request breast revision surgery. In some cases, the patient may have had unrealistic expectations or failed to clearly communicate their expected aesthetic outcome with the surgeon. In other cases, the surgical procedure may not have been performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon.

For women experiencing unsatisfactory results post-surgery, correction of the surgical outcome can be performed during breast revision surgery.


Because breast revision surgery is more complex and labor intensive than other surgical procedures, not all surgeons have the skill and experience required to perform breast revisions. Dr. Craft is one of the few surgeons in Miami that has both the experience and expertise to effectively perform breast revision surgery.

The key reason for the difficulties associated with performing breast revision surgery is the post-surgical adhesions and scarring developed from the first procedure. The excess scar tissue often makes it difficult to predict the eventual outcome of a breast revision surgery. In addition, the first surgery has often caused undesirable stretching of skin and tissues and it is difficult to restore elasticity to its original form. Dr. Craft and his team of skilled clinicians will work with you to identify the problem areas and propose surgical solutions.

Before you undergo any surgery, you will meet with Dr. Craft and your enhancement team. You will identify your problem areas, your challenges and your overall goals for the revision surgery. Your enhancement team will work with you to advise on appropriate procedures and communicate expected results and outcomes.


There are a few considerations Dr. Craft and your enhancement team will communicate with you as you discuss your problem areas and goals. Identified areas that are considerations to breast revision surgery may include:

  • Revise scars
  • Correct asymmetry
  • Capsular contraction
  • Implant relocation
  • Implant lifting
  • Appearance of breasts
  • Switching from a saline to a silicone implant (rippling effect)Changes in the breast after weight gain, pregnancy or weight loss
  • Changes in the breast after weight gain, pregnancy or weight loss

The outcomes and results of breast revision surgery are very different from the outcomes and results communicated to you prior to the original surgery. Because breast revision is essentially surgically reversing, augmenting or correcting a prior surgery, there are some considerations and limitations to the results and outcomes of the surgery.

When you meet with your enhancement team, be sure to speak candidly to them. Prior to meeting, make a list of your problem identified areas as well as a list of all the questions you would like to have answered. Dr. Craft and his team can help identify your problem areas and offer breast revision strategies that are appropriate for you.

Complexity & Considerations


Ideal Candidate Qualities

Like all surgical procedures there are some important considerations prior to deciding on a breast revision procedure. Dr. Craft and your enhancement team may or may not recommend a mammogram prior to the surgery. Your team will work with you to recommend this test. Before deciding if a breast revision is right for you, consider the following ideal candidate qualities:

  • Women who have had a previous breast augmentation surgery and are dissatisfied with the results.
  • Women whose previous breast augmentation surgery was completed at least three to four months ago.
  • Women with a body mass index that is below 35, and preferably less than 30. As the BMI increases, the complications post-surgery also increase.
  • Women without co-morbidities or other factors that may impede healing post- surgery.
  • Women who do not smoke.

General Procedure

The breast revision surgery is very similar to the original procedure. However, during a breast revision, Dr. Craft will utilize reversal, relocation or contracting strategies as required.

Breast revision surgeries are performed under general anesthesia or deep intravenous sedation. The surgery may involve removing the original breast implant and inserting a new one, often with a change in the size. In some cases, the revision may involve a breast lift, change of shape, removal of scar tissues or a change in the location of the pocket.

The breast revision may also include relocation of the nipples or reformation to enhance symmetry. In rare cases Dr. Craft may remove the breast implants, allow the tissues to heal and perform a second surgery three to four months later. In most cases, breast revision surgery is recommended a minimum of three to four months after the original surgery. This wait time is necessary to allow your body to completely heal from the original surgery. Dr. Craft will work with you to identify appropriate healing times and schedules for future revision surgery.

Dr. Craft and your enhancement team will work with you to create an enhancement plan that aligns with your goals. The specific procedures in your breast revision will be outlined in your enhancement plan.

Outcomes and Results

After surgery, it takes your body time to heal and adjust to the breast revision surgery. The results post-surgery are not immediately noticeable, however, after a few weeks and once the swelling and bruising have diminished, you will notice the problem areas identified from your first surgery have been repaired and revised. After two to three months, you will notice the end results of your breast revision with firmer, elevated and more youthful appearing breasts.

Procedure& Results

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Recovery Process

Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time.

  • Bandages are applied right after surgery to aid the healing process and to minimize movement of the breasts.
  • For the first few days, patients sometimes report minor pain associated with surgery which can be treated with oral medication.
  • The recovery after breast revision surgery depends on the surgical procedures utilized during the revision surgery. Bruising and swelling may take up to three weeks to diminish. Healing time can vary from one week to six weeks, depending on the procedure.

In most cases, the recovery after a breast revision may be a little longer than the primary procedure. Depending on the number and size of the incision, and procedures involved in the revision, Dr. Craft will use surgical closure techniques to aid in incisional healing. Dr. Craft will give you instructions on providing an optimal environment for wound healing. The stitches will be removed shortly after the surgery depending on the procedure(s) involved.

During recovery, patients generally must avoid heavy exercise or sporting activities for one to two months. Some patients report numbing of the nipples for one to two months following the surgery, however these symptoms generally diminish. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the postoperative directions given by the surgeon.

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