The Pros And Cons Of A Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Miami Brazilian Butt Lift

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world right now is the Brazilian Butt Lift. This surgery uses a combination of liposuction and fat grafting or, fat transfer, to completely reshape the buttocks and figure. One of the reasons BBL is so hot right now is because the results can look and feel completely natural. If you are interested in a Buttocks augmentation for a curvier, sexy bottom and shapelier waist, you may wonder if the BBL is really as amazing as it sounds. All surgical procedures carry inherent risks and important considerations. There are realistic limitations and safe, healthy recovery to consider. The BBL cost is also an important factor for many people. Compared with other buttocks enhancement options however, Brazillian Buttlift is a safer, less complicated and more natural option. Read on to find reasons why a Brazillian Buttlift may be the right choice for you.

The Miami Brazillian Buttlift allows for liposuction to remove fat from the back, abdomen, sides, (love handles) or thighs. BBL is really a whole-body transformation opportunity because other problem areas are smoothed and sculpted right along with the buttocks fat transfer.

BBL Procedure

Some thin patients have a hard time producing enough fat for significant augmentation, however many people have a little extra weight or inches that they’d love to say goodbye to. BBL will use an average of 700cc for injection. During surgery, fat is gently removed while protecting delicate, live cells. It is then purified, and artfully re-injected back into the buttocks through a tiny incision, sculpting a new shape for you.

Another plus for the BBL procedure is that there is very little downtime. Post-op discomfort is minimal and managed well. You will be limited from sitting directly on your bottom for a time but most people return to work within 2 weeks. Brazillian Buttlift carries less risk of infection than other butt enhancement procedures such as butt implants. Because the fat is your own and not a foreign body, there less risk of allergy or reaction to the fat. Because incisions are tiny, they heal quickly and do not require prolonged wound care.

Minimal Scars

Fat injected directly into the buttocks muscles creates a smooth, firm, natural appearance. Because the fat is placed deeper in muscle layers the effect is that the injected fat will feel like your own muscle and not appear lumpy or dimply like fat at the surface.

There is no risk of implant displacement or migration- because there is no implant. Butt implants always carry a risk of malposition which can be painful and deformed in appearance. In those cases, a secondary surgery is required for correction. The BBL procedure allows you peace of mind that your own natural fat is safe and secure where it has been placed. Minimal scars are a major bonus for fat grafting procedures. Because only tiny holes are made and they can be placed in well-hidden areas, the evidence of your procedure will be virtually invisible.


Every cosmetic procedure has considerations as well and there are a few drawbacks to selecting this procedure. One is limited sitting and tight clothing after BBL. This is important to ensure optimal results but can be inconvenient as well. It is important that you follow your Plastic Surgeon’s post op instructions to ensure that your beautiful results last.

A frustrating fact about fat transfer is that fat survival can be unpredictable. Studies indicate that about 50-80% of fat which is transferred will survive and remain where it was grafted. The body will reabsorb a portion of it and this varies between patients. Unfortunately, significantly over-injecting does not necessarily solve this problem because studies show that far retention rates can be decreased when over injecting. Patients who desire more than a 50-80% size increase will need to schedule multiple procedures, spaced a few months apart for maximum results.

Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami

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