Exercising After Your Brazilian Butt Lift

Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that involves transferring fat from areas of excess fat such as the waist, abdomen and thighs to the buttocks in order to enhance its appearance. Understandably, many women who undergo this procedure may be worried about the effects exercising and weight loss can have on the results of their BBL.

The fat transferred from the donor site during the BBL continues to behave like fat from its original location. Therefore, it is important to be aware that working out and toning your gluteal muscles can change the shape of your buttocks, but will not cause a loss of volume unless the donor site is experiencing fat loss too. Any decrease in volume experienced is a result of fat cells shrinking, not the death of fat cells.

Fat Transfer

Furthermore, the fat transferred during the BBL follows the general metabolism of your body, therefore targeted gluteal workouts do not cause a loss of BBL results. In fact, targeted workouts for the buttocks can actually help increase the size and maintain the shape of the BBL. However, alterations to your BBL results can be caused by changes in your body’s metabolic status. For instance, if your metabolism is exceeding your daily caloric intake, you will experience weight loss from the whole body including the BBL fat.

On the other hand, if your caloric intake exceeds your energy expenditure, then you will accumulate fat or increase existing fat globules on your body, which may include the BBL fat. Unless the weight loss or gain is dramatic, this weight difference will not likely change the shape your buttocks significantly after the BBL since the amount of weight gain or loss will be proportionate to the rest of the body.

BBL Recovery

If you have recently undergone a BBL procedure, you should wait approximately six weeks before resuming your work out routine in order to ensure you have allowed your body time to recover. In addition, starting vigorous training in order to target the gluteal muscles should be avoided for at least three months in order to assure that the transferred fat cells are alive and growing. After this time period, you are free to slowly build your gluteal muscles and potentially further increase the size of your buttocks.

Exercises that target the buttocks area include squats, lunges, intense cardiovascular training such as P90X, and calisthenics. These routines can help you build up the gluteal muscles to maintain your newly acquired curves. Provided Dr Phillip Craft has given you the green light to resume physical activities, exercise is an excellent way to maintain and even enhance the BBL results. In addition to training the muscles, keeping a stable weight and increasing caloric intake will also help you attain long-lasting results.

If you are considering a BBL and want to learn more about its impact on your exercise routine and overall lifestyle, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Craft in order to determine how BBL can help you reach your personal goals and what considerations should be taken into account prior to scheduling surgery.

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