What Is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

Learn More About Liposuction Surgery


Liposuction or lipoplasty, are terms used to describe the surgical removal of stubborn pockets of fat which often persist on areas of the body such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and buttocks. Even the fittest individuals frequently request this procedure because in many cases, stubborn fat deposits are hereditary and therefore unresponsive to diet and exercise. In fact, while many people mistakenly believe that liposuction is a weight loss surgery, while it is actually a procedure designed to help healthy, fit patients address their problem areas and improve their body contour. If you are considering liposuction in Miami, you may be wondering how soon after the procedure you can resume your active lifestyle. The following is a guide for the recovery process.

Immediately Following Your Liposuction Surgery

The day of your procedure, your plastic surgeon will provide you with a detailed list of aftercare instructions. It is imperative to follow these guidelines carefully to ensure a speedy recovery and optimal results.

Once the anaesthesia wears off, you may experience minor pain, particularly within the first 48 hours of your procedure. Long-acting anaesthetic is used to numb tissues very effectively and will last for many hours, healing you to bypass what would be the most uncomfortable parts of recovery. Any pain can be managed using the oral medication prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Redness and swelling are also to be expected immediately following the procedure.

Depending on where the liposuction was performed, you may be required to wear a support garment for the first three to six weeks of your recovery to reduce swelling. The incision sites may drain a small amount of fluid following the procedure, however, Dr. Craft uses an advanced dressing technique to support the affected area and minimize the likelihood of bleeding and swelling.

The First Two Weeks

Plenty of rest and limited movement are recommended for the first few days after surgery to aid in your recovery. If possible, elevate the affected area of the body by resting it on a pillow and avoid bending over, straining or heavy lifting for the first few days. While pain is uncommon after the first 48 hours, sensitive skin and discomfort may persist for one to two weeks.

Bruising and swelling typically begin to dissipate after seven to ten days, but residual swelling may last for up to four months. Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, smoking, and alcohol should be avoided as they can increase your risk of bleeding or delay healing. In most cases, patients can resume work within a few days and reintroduce most activities within ten days.

Weeks Two To Six

Once you feel up to it, it is important to walk after liposuction to minimize swelling and lower the risk of blood clots. While moderate activities can be gradually reintroduced, strenuous exercise should be avoided for four to six weeks as this may cause fluid retention in the treatment area(s). Exposure to the sun and heat, such as sunbathing or sauna usage should be avoided for at least six weeks to further minimize the risk of swelling.

Long Term Recovery

Although you will be able to resume your normal activities and lifestyle after six weeks, it is important to understand that because the healing process is gradual, and each case is unique, it may take several months to see the final results after your Miami liposuction procedure.

Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami

Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!

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