Can A Hybrid Tummy Tuck in Miami Give You The Results Without The Scars?
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Millions of women suffer embarrassment due to flabby, deflated midsections after pregnancy or weight loss. Just when you should be most proud of your weight loss accomplishments, or your body’s ability to give birth, you may be stuck on an endless fitness quest to flatten your belly. In Miami, a tummy tuck can help you achieve the slim contours you desire, but significant cosmetic surgery to flatten a pooch below the belly button may seem intimidating. A full tuck, or abdominoplasty, results in a long scar from hip to hip, and increasing numbers of women are opting for a hybrid tummy tuck instead.
What Is A Hybrid Tummy Tuck in Miami?
This simplified procedure is an adaptation of the traditional tummy tuck, which reshapes the midsection by tightening abdominal muscles and removing excess skin. Another variation, the mini tuck, involves a much smaller incision in the pubic area to improve tone and contour in the lower abdomen only. Combining the best of both procedures, a hybrid tummy tuck can provide contouring in more areas of the midsection by tightening the abdominal muscles even above the belly button.
Compared with standard tummy tucks, hybrid treatment is an innovative, less invasive approach. It can also do much more than a mini abdominoplasty. It’s ideal for women who developed diastasis recti (the separation of the rectus muscles) during pregnancy but maintained a healthy weight and relatively smooth skin above the belly button. This procedure can tighten abdominal muscles and reduce the lingering tummy bulge after pregnancy while trimming away excess skin below the belly button. The scar will be as short as possible- similar to a mini- but the extent of possible improvements is greater.
Extra Hybrid Benefits
For women who’ve had a previous C-section, an added benefit of the hybrid tummy tuck is the removal of the old scar. Your new, cosmetically discrete incision will be placed below the bikini line, making it easy to cover.
You could be a good candidate for a hybrid tummy tuck in Miami if you are:
A knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Phillip Craft can assess which type of procedure will deliver the best results. Specialists in body contouring techniques are capable of customizing tummy tucks to be minimally invasive depending on the target areas and the current state of your abdominal skin.
If you’re hopeful that a hybrid tummy tuck can provide the confidence boost and youthful contour of a trim waist and abdomen with minimal scarring, you’re welcome to book a private consultation with Dr. Craft. There’s no need to feel stuck hiding a midsection that makes you self conscious. Our enhancement team at Body by Craft are experts in body sculpting and confidence boosting. We’d like to meet you and talk about next steps toward a body you love.
Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami
Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!
Use our online contact form or call our office (305) 535-3550