How To Prepare For A Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Choosing to transform the look of your abdomen with a Tummy Tuck surgery is in important decision and what you do during recovery can be just as valuable as careful selection of your board certified Plastic Surgeon. The best Tummy Tuck surgeon can do their best work for you, but the work you do when you leave their office may make the difference when it comes to beautiful results and a great experience.

There are a number of things that you can do to plan and prepare for abdominal cosmetic surgery so that the recovery process goes smoothly.

Recovery Timeline

First, do have family or friends nearby who understand the procedure you are having and will support you. You will not be bed-ridden, but emotional support and help at home can go a long way to making your recovery a pleasant one.

Second, commit to being patient with the timeline for recovery. In the first week, patients are often walking slowly and bend over slightly. 2 weeks is usually recommended away from work and you will be advised to avoid swimming, baths and hot tubs until incisions are well-closed. In a beautiful, sunny location like Miami, staying out of the water and reducing recreational activity or regular work outs can be hard but the long-term results and smooth, beautiful tummy you achieve will be worth it. Try creating a retreat atmosphere at home, focused on relaxation, entertainment and boosting your health.

Healthy Diet

Third, share all relevant medical information with your Plastic Surgeon prior to and after your surgery. Medications you take, health issues you may have or changes and concerns you note after your procedure are all best brought to his attention so that he can assess you properly. Don’t hesitate to call if you have a concern.

Fourth, eat a healthy, high-protein diet before and after surgery as this will help your tissues to heal well. You will be asked to avoid certain herbal formulas or supplements which can lead to bleeding prior to your procedure, but healthy, whole foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables are excellent. Avoiding constipation after surgery can be helped by your diet, regular walking and drinking plenty of water as well.

Planning An Abdominoplasty

Fifth, do not smoke cigarettes or take in any nicotine at all 4-6 weeks prior to the OR date. Aside from the obvious health concerns, cigarettes and nicotine products will impair your circulation and your ability to heal. When planning an extensive, cosmetic surgery, most surgeons will be absolutely strict about this rule because the chances of delayed wound closure, infection, poor scarring and even tissue death are higher for smokers.

Sixth, avoid rapid weight loss or weight fluctuations, before and after surgery. Before planning an abdominoplasty, your surgeon will want you to be at your healthiest, stable weight. Excess weight loss should occur before and be maintained for a few months prior to surgery. Obesity increases surgical risks, but crash dieting isn’t safe or sustainable either.

Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami

Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!

Use our online contact form or call our office (305) 535-3550

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