Breast Augmentation Miami: What Happens at a Consultation?
Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast Augmentation
No matter how commonplace and popular breast augmentation in Miami has become, many women are still nervous and feel a little overwhelmed leading up to their first meeting with a surgeon. If you’re like most of our patients at Body by Craft, you’ve spent considerable time online comparing pictures and looking for answers to your biggest questions.
Comparing before and after photos can be fun, but we invite you to meet with your chosen experts in person sooner rather than later. The exam and detailed discussion about procedure options will help you research further with clarity and less anxiety. Here’s what you can expect from your first Miami breast augmentation consultation:
Getting to know you
The first step when you arrive will usually be to gather some basic medical information and ask what procedure you’re interested in. Your surgeon will want to know if you’ve had surgery previously, if you have any ongoing medical issues or allergies, and what your overall aesthetic goals are. After gathering basics like age and contact info, you’ll be escorted to a private room to discuss your concerns, questions and interests.
After discussion, your surgeon will perform a quick, physical exam of your breasts. Once they have skin and tissue assessment along with a few necessary measurements, they can present the best options you to reshape your figure.
They’ll ask you how much you know about the procedure, to begin with, and work diligently to fill in the blanks. That means making sure the you’re fully informed and aware of all the pros and cons because each surgery comes with inherent risks to be understood. They’ll describe saline versus silicone, round or anatomical shaped implants.
Most patients have fun trying on implant sizers in the office. A tight top and sports bra generally allow people to see what implant sizes will look like on them. 3D imaging also lends a perspective on body proportion from head to toe. Your Miami breast augmentation surgeon is experienced and skilled in selecting implant volumes that balance a person’s frame and their expressed goals. You’ll be able to lean on their expertise and get a feel for what works on your body, before deciding.
After you’ve learned the ins and outs of breast augmentation, heard your surgeon’s recommendations for your procedure, and had your questions answered, you’ll be provided with personalized pricing and available OR days if you’d like to talk about next steps. You’ll never be rushed into that decision, but plenty of our clients are eager to move ahead after the excitement of their consultation, and we do our best to accommodate all schedules.
We’ll connect you with medical financing assistance if you’re interested as well. We don’t believe the inconvenience of a large, single payment should present a barrier to anyone having the figure of their dreams. Are you ready to book your consultation? Dr. Phillip Craft will be pleased to meet you. Call Body by Craft today.
Consult with A Body Contouring Specialist in Miami
Contact Dr. Craft and the enhancement team in Miami today, to book your consultation and become one step closer to achieving the look you’ve always wanted!
Use our online contact form or call our office (305) 535-3550