Breast Augmentation By One of the Leading Miami Surgeons

Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures by women.

Breast augmentation surgery is a surgical procedure involving adding volume and size to the breasts resulting in a more voluptuous, toned and natural appearance. Breast augmentation results in fuller breasts, and can assist in correcting asymmetry in the breasts, resulting in breasts that are more supple, firm and toned with a natural appearance.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures by women. Many women consider breast augmentation surgery to add volume and enhance the overall appearance of their breasts. Because of aging, weight gain and loss, natural body proportions, deformities or injury, some women wish to augment the appearance, size, and shape of their breasts.


Women considering breast augmentation should consider realistic expectations in the selection of breast implant size. Considerations when selecting breast implant sizes include, your age, type of work, body size, physique, and body shape. Your enhancement team will work with you to identify an implant size that will meet your goals and is appropriate to your body.

Implant Choices

There are two basic implant choices: silicone and saline. The final choice between the implants is influenced by your personal preference and a discussion with your enhancement team.
Saline Implants
Saline implants are filled with intravenous saline and can be inserted via a very small incision. They are also less expensive but they tend to feel less natural than the silicone implants. Saline implants are not recommended in thin individuals because they tend to cause a rippling effect (a rippling or wrinkling along the breast).
Silicone Implants
Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, feel natural and are ideal for anyone concerned with rippling effect. The silicone implants are more expensive than saline implants and require a slightly larger skin incision for insertion.

Fat Transfer Method

Breast augmentation can also be performed using fat injection, a relatively non-invasive augmentation method. This method is minimally invasive and recovery is rapid. With this method, fat is obtained from the patient’s abdomen or buttocks and then injected into the breast to improve shape. This process is known as fat grafting or fat transfer and can benefit individuals who want a natural breast enhancement without undergoing a surgical procedure.



Like all surgical procedures there are some important considerations prior to deciding on breast augmentation procedure.Dr. Craft and your enhancement team may or may not recommend a mammogram prior to the surgery. Your team will work with you to recommend this test.Before deciding if breast augmentation is right for you, consider the following ideal candidate qualities:

  • Women who desire breasts with more volume and larger size.
  • Women with uneven or asymmetrical breasts.
  • Women who have decreased breast size due to weight gain and loss, pregnancy or aging.
  • Women who have mild breast sagginess or droopy breasts.
  • Women with a body mass index that is below 35, and preferably less than 30. As the BMI increases, the complications post-surgery also increase.
  • Women without co-morbidities or other factors that may impede healing post- surgery.
  • Women who do not smoke.
  • Over the age of 18 (for saline implants) and over age 22 (for silicone gel implants).


Breast augmentation surgery is done under general anesthesia or deep intravenous sedation. Surgeons make very small skin incisions hidden along the skin creases so that they are not easily visible and heal with minimal scarring. Other incisions for breast augmentation including placement of the incision in the armpit and along the edge of the areola. The breast implant is then gently inserted underneath the muscles of the chest. The implant may be filled with either saline or silicone.

Depending on the requested augmentation and the incisions necessary, the surgery usually takes less than one hour. Because the incisions are small, absorbable sutures are used to close the wound. A dressing is applied over the small incision and a postoperative bra is applied. Once the surgery is over, you will be allowed to recover in the recovery room for about an hour.


After surgery, it takes your body time to heal and adjust to the breast augmentation. The results post-surgery are immediately noticeable. The implants will last from 15 – 20 years. Your enhancement team will provide you with a care plan to ensure your implants last as long as possible.

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Recovery Process

Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time.

  • Bandages are applied right after surgery to aid the healing proces.
  • For the first few days, patients sometimes report pressure associated with surgery which can be treated with oral medication.
  • Most patients will experience uncomfortable pressure, bruising and swelling post-surgery.
  • Bruising and swelling may take up to two weeks to diminish.
  • Healing time can vary from seven to nine days.
  • The stitches will be removed one week after the surgery depending on the procedure(s) involved.
During recovery, patients generally must avoid heavy exercise or sporting activities for two to three weeks. Some patients report slight numbing of the nipples for one to two months following the surgery, however these symptoms generally diminish. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the postoperative directions given by the surgeon.

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